Monday, 4 April 2011


As some of you know I have a form of arthritis that affects my whole body, recently I have been going through a particularly bad phase and have had to get signed off work and go and stay with family so they can look after me.

The nature of the disease means that although I am quite unwell I look fine, on a good day I will just move a little awkwardly and on a bad day I’m in bed so no one sees me, so I struggle with feeling guilty that I don’t look sicker when I’m signed off work, I also worry too much about weather people believe me as I look ok and my only way of coping is to focus on the positives so when people ask me how I am I will always say I’m doing well even if I’m in pain. I am learning to deal with these things but like all things it takes time.

Being ill means I am struggling to do any of the things I love and tend to write about here, I’m managing to knit a little but am not hat making and living the creative life that I am used to so don’t feel I have much to say but one of the things that keep me going through these hard times are the blogs I read, they keep me inspired and up beat and I thank you all for that, so even if I’m not commenting on your blog I’m still around.
I’m slowly getting better and can do more so I hope to be able to get back into posting soon. 

Luckily for me my dad lives in the very beautiful Yorkshire dales, and the weather has been lovely(up until today), so my little recovery walks are a treat.  

Spring is always a little later up here that in london but it has sure arrived now and that always cheers me up. 


  1. Aw sorry you're having a rough time miss!! <3

  2. I have always been impressed with how positively you face the pain and restrictions caused you by your arthritis. That being said, sometimes 'pushing on through' can be the thing that keeps an illness rolling on. Those of us who love you are happy to look after you and anyone stupid enough to pass judgement on a situation they have no direct experience of isn't worth bothering about. I am happy to hear you moan any time you like, honey.

    PS The photo's look gorgeous. I have SLR envy.

  3. Hello honey,
    Thank you for sharing. I'm sending you lots of sunny smiles and hugs from London. Hope to catch up soon.
    Zeenat xx

  4. Thanks so much for your support ladies. x
